Self-directed online course

Living Life to the Full Adult Upgraded Course (LLTTF) – Romanian Language)

£30.00 available on subscription

This award-winning, widely used and recommended course is aimed at people who experiencing low mood or stress. 12 month access. Romanian Language Translation of online Adult LLTTF self directed course.

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Low Mood and Stress
Dr Chris Williams

This award-winning, widely used and recommended course is aimed at people who experiencing low mood or stress.
Welcome module
+ Four core modules:
1. Understanding your feelings (Why do I feel like I do?)
2. Doing things that make you feel better (I can’t be bothered doing anything)
3. Noticing and Changing unhelpful thinking (Why does everything always go wrong?)
4. Building inner confidence (Feeling good about yourself)

Additional (paid for) modules complete the course and can be unlocked at extra charge:

PLUS Eleven additional modules
* How to fix almost everything
* The things you do that help
* The things you do that mess you up
* Asking for what you need
* Facing fears and tackling avoidance
* Say hi to your team
* Getting a good night’s sleep
* Eat well
* Irritability and anger
* What about sex?
* Planning for the future

PLUS: a series of short, You Time additional content – with ideas and practice tasks that can make a difference to how you feel in just five minutes or so.

Award winning: an earlier version of the course/website was recognised by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy with an award.

Related products:
Book (Printed): LLTTF adult Course book (8 chapters) Available
Individual topic areas also are usually available as separate books. Adult and young person versions available.

Online Books: Available

Video books: Available

Licensed Class Training Resources to run a Live class (face to face or online): Available (adult, older and adult and young people versions available)

Supporter training: Available

Five Areas resources: Overcoming depression and low mood: A Five Areas approach and also Overcoming anxiety, stress and panic: a five areas approach are both available.

Visit our Research trials page to see research evidence for our wide range of resources.
A RCT of the written resources delivered as a live class is available. Also a feasibility study of the LLTTF online course is available plus protocol paper.

This is a self-directed online course for use by people living with common issues such as low mood, stress, low confidence, low assertion, poor sleep and more translated into the Romanian language
Each module typically takes 15-20 minutes or so to complete.

The four core sessions of the course provide most of the key CBT-based skills needed for life change.

How often should I complete a module or how many?
We recommend you work through all the modules, completing one every few days will allow you the opportunity to put into practice what you are learning.

Using the worksheets: practical worksheets can be completed by printing them on paper, or by answering the questions electronically if you prefer such as in notes on your phone. The worksheets help you apply what you are learning, make plans and review your progress.

Working with a support worker: Some people using this course may be receiving support from an IAPT worker, nurse, OT, physio or other health or social care worker including Third sector staff or volunteers. If so, use this support to help you stay on track, get answers to any questions, and encouragement to apply what you are learning.

LLTTF is our most popular course and is available as a self-directed online course.

Translations: Multiple language (>15) versions of books, and live classes are available.

How to provide access to clients: Practitioners/supporters can deliver the self-directed course by purchasing single use log in codes individually to pass to your patients/clients. Or a group code valid for, 10, 50, or an agreed number of patients/clients if you prefer.

Terminology: LLTTF is designed to teach evidence-based CBT life skills in an accessible language.

• Understanding why I feel as I do (self-formulation)
• Planning effective change (SMART goals)
• Changing upsetting thinking (negative automatic thoughts)
• Doing activities that improve how you feel (behavioural activation)

Dr Chris Williams is Emeritus Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Past-President of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). His main area of interest is making Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches accessible to all.
He is an internationally recognised researcher, teacher and trainer.


This award-winning, widely used and recommended course is aimed at people who experiencing low mood or stress.
Welcome module
+ Four core modules:
1. Understanding your feelings (Why do I feel like I do?)
2. Doing things that make you feel better (I can’t be bothered doing anything)
3. Noticing and Changing unhelpful thinking (Why does everything always go wrong?)
4. Building inner confidence (Feeling good about yourself)

Additional (paid for) modules complete the course and can be unlocked at extra charge:

PLUS Eleven additional modules
* How to fix almost everything
* The things you do that help
* The things you do that mess you up
* Asking for what you need
* Facing fears and tackling avoidance
* Say hi to your team
* Getting a good night’s sleep
* Eat well
* Irritability and anger
* What about sex?
* Planning for the future

PLUS: a series of short, You Time additional content – with ideas and practice tasks that can make a difference to how you feel in just five minutes or so.

Award winning: an earlier version of the course/website was recognised by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy with an award.

Related products:
Book (Printed): LLTTF adult Course book (8 chapters) Available
Individual topic areas also are usually available as separate books. Adult and young person versions available.

Online Books: Available

Video books: Available

Licensed Class Training Resources to run a Live class (face to face or online): Available (adult, older and adult and young people versions available)

Supporter training: Available

Five Areas resources: Overcoming depression and low mood: A Five Areas approach and also Overcoming anxiety, stress and panic: a five areas approach are both available.

Visit our Research trials page to see research evidence for our wide range of resources.
A RCT of the written resources delivered as a live class is available. Also a feasibility study of the LLTTF online course is available plus protocol paper.

How to use this Resource

This is a self-directed online course for use by people living with common issues such as low mood, stress, low confidence, low assertion, poor sleep and more translated into the Romanian language
Each module typically takes 15-20 minutes or so to complete.

The four core sessions of the course provide most of the key CBT-based skills needed for life change.

How often should I complete a module or how many?
We recommend you work through all the modules, completing one every few days will allow you the opportunity to put into practice what you are learning.

Using the worksheets: practical worksheets can be completed by printing them on paper, or by answering the questions electronically if you prefer such as in notes on your phone. The worksheets help you apply what you are learning, make plans and review your progress.

Working with a support worker: Some people using this course may be receiving support from an IAPT worker, nurse, OT, physio or other health or social care worker including Third sector staff or volunteers. If so, use this support to help you stay on track, get answers to any questions, and encouragement to apply what you are learning.

Supporter's Notes

LLTTF is our most popular course and is available as a self-directed online course.

Translations: Multiple language (>15) versions of books, and live classes are available.

How to provide access to clients: Practitioners/supporters can deliver the self-directed course by purchasing single use log in codes individually to pass to your patients/clients. Or a group code valid for, 10, 50, or an agreed number of patients/clients if you prefer.

Terminology: LLTTF is designed to teach evidence-based CBT life skills in an accessible language.

• Understanding why I feel as I do (self-formulation)
• Planning effective change (SMART goals)
• Changing upsetting thinking (negative automatic thoughts)
• Doing activities that improve how you feel (behavioural activation)

About the Author

Dr Chris Williams is Emeritus Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Past-President of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). His main area of interest is making Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches accessible to all.
He is an internationally recognised researcher, teacher and trainer.