CCBT | Living Life to the Full | Self Help Resources | Online CBT
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We have two main “brands” aimed at reaching different groups of people


  1. Living Life To The Full (LLTTF®) – colourful, accessible, less text, using audio, slides and worksheets – often interactive. Resources are presented as a “Core” content to work though, plus multiple Optional content including short five minute “You Time” experiences. These are designed to be used quite flexibly so people can choose the added content they would wish to work on/use. The focus is on low mood and stress.
  2. Our Five Areas/Overcoming series resources tend to be longer, more detailed and less colourful. They expect more in terms of input by the person and are presented as a clear “course” with a start, middle and end. This may suit people who prefer structure to walk them through the core topics often affected at times of low mood/depression and stress/anxiety.
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