The support and resources you will find on this site are not about diagnosis. They are not about medical treatment, nor about completing diagnostic questionnaires. No tablets, no diagnosis, no preaching.
Nor do we provide direct clinical support: if you are struggling with panic attacks or feeling suicidal, please contact your doctor or emergency services, or see our directory of further support.
Instead, we try to teach important life skills that aim to help empower and equip people to cope with negative thoughts or feelings. We help people learn to understand why they feel as they do, choose to do activities that improve wellbeing, identify blocks or activities that make them feel worse, boost confidence, understand and change sleep patterns, become more assertive, calm anxious worries and be more compassionate and supportive of themselves, asking for what they need, be calmer and less irritable.
Whatever your reason for wanting to access these life skills, either for yourself or to support others, we hope the content you’ll find on this site proves helpful. The skills taught cover general skills/information we can all use in our lives when we feel under pressure, stressed or distressed.