Get Urgent Help
Tell someone how bad you feel
If you feel suicidal or have recently experienced a panic attack, talk to someone NOW and explain how bad you feel. We are not able to provide clinical support at Living Life to the Full, but the agencies and self-help resources below are available to help you.
If you are still not sure who to talk to or where to turn, call your doctor or the accident and emergency department at your local hospital immediately.
24 Hour NHS support
NHS 24 (Scotland)
Call 111
www.nhs24.comNHS (England and Wales)
Call 111 (non-emergency) or
999 (emergency)Suicide prevention
For young people thinking about suicide or for others worried about them
0800 068 4141
www.papyrus-uk.orgFor the prevention of male suicide
CALM: Campaign Against Living Miserably
0800 58 58 58
www.thecalmzone.netEating disorders
0845 634 1414 sources of support
Breathing Space (Scotland)
0800 838587
08457 909090
Or write a letter to Chris, PO Box 90, Stirling, FK8 2SADomestic Violence
0808 2000 247
0808 800 222
0800 111 -
Still not sure what to do? Read these emergency self-help books right now: they might help save your life.
Suicidal thoughts: I Feel So Bad I Can’t Go On | Read it now
Panic attacks: The Worry Box: In Case of Panic | Read it now