Commission a live practitioner/supporter training workshop
Delivering the Enjoy your Pregnancy (EYP) class resources
Book a live Practitioner/Supporter training course:
Delivering the Enjoy your Pregnancy (EYP) class resources. Needs linked class training license – available separately.
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Supporter/Practitioner training workshop
Enjoy Your Pregnancy (EYP) is a series of live classes for parents-to-be as they face the life change and challenges of pregnancy.
This training workshop teaches supporters/practitioners how to teach the EYP classes.
NB: Needs a class training license – available separately.
Related products:
Book (Printed): not available
Online Book: Not available
Video book: Not available
Licensed Class Training Resources to run a Live class (face to face or online): Available
Supporter training: Available (this product)
Five Areas resources: Overcoming Postnatal depression: A Five Areas approach with Dr Roch Cantwell and Perinatal Nurse Consultant Karen Robertson is also available
Visit our Research trials page to see research evidence for our wide range of resources.
How to use this Resource
This is a live online training course for trainers/supporters of the EYP classes.
How are the classes delivered?
The class teaching workshop covers all the key steps to set up and deliver the EYP classes. How to advertise. Who is it for? Setting up the classroom experience, and an overview of the key content of the EYP programme.
Covers how to use all the resources to teach the classes:
You will get to self-practice using many of the key class worksheets.
Also covers how to facilitate small groups, and overcome common class issues (e.g. over-talkative or silent attendees).
Supporter's Notes
NB: Needs linked class training license – available separately.
See linked products.
Translations: There are no current translations of the EYP classes. Please approach us if you wish to fund the development of such a course.
How to provide access to clients:
This course is for supporters/practitioners only. It will help you learn the skills needed to set up, advertise and deliver the EYP classes.
NB: unlike most of our courses a printed book version is not available for the Enjoy Your Pregnancy course, and the course can be run stand-alone using the worksheets for people to apply what they are learning.
About the Author
About the Author:
Dr Chris Williams is Emeritus Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Past-President of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). His main area of interest is making Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches accessible to all.
He is an internationally recognised researcher, teacher and trainer.
Professor Williams has worked mostly with colleagues in perinatal care in the UK and Canada to produce other resources including the Enjoy Your Baby book, classes and online course, and the Overcoming depression: A Five Areas approach with Dr Roch Cantwell and Perinatal Nurse Consultant Karen Robertson.
Credits: we wish to thank the perinatal services NHS Greater Manchester for their input and comments on an earlier version of these materials. The first edition of the course was funded by the Two in Mind project in Wales, led by Mind Cymru, and funded by the Welsh Government, and with writing input by Jenny Burns.