About Living Life to The Full (LLTTF):
LLTTF courses have been designed to help people tackle low mood, stress, and improve wellbeing and resilience. The resources help to work out why you feel as you do, tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking and more. There are lots of our resources available online which people can access free at llttf.com/resources.

LLTTF learning Online:
In 2020 the Covid 19 pandemic suddenly threw us all into a new way of living- and working. Here at Living Life to the Full we had to make some changes to how we deliver our courses in order to meet demand in light of lockdown and the closure of office and training premises. We were tasked with how to keep our training accessible, meanwhile accepting like most people we were learning as we go. A year and a half later, we are delivering more training courses than ever before, the use of the internet and technology has enabled us to offer our training further and wider than expected.
What we have learned along the way:
By delivering training online, we can easily reach out to people in greater numbers and locations we couldn’t have previously. We acknowledge, most of us like nothing better than to be in the physical setting with other people. However, we have all learned so much on this journey of discovery about the potential increased accessibility, wide ranging opportunities and acceptance of most people attending our online training.
LLTTF workshops are interactive and involve practicing with the worksheets on the training day. We maintained this way of learning by Using the breakout rooms on the digital platform allowing us to continue sharing this learning experience with attendees.
With the new online format, it is possible to train larger groups, for example 40 or 50 people, however with the larger numbers attending comes some disadvantages. In the larger group setting you lose some of the personal element of the training for example, opportunity for open questions, discussion and feedback that are more accessible in smaller groups of 10 – 20 attendees.
Ideally if the workshop attendee numbers are between 8-12 people online, this allows for questions, good group discussion around the course content and implementation. In addition, during break and lunch times, quite often, these informal chats can be a worthwhile opportunity for providing networking opportunities. Online with smaller groups it is still possible to retain some of this networking, by using break out rooms, monitoring and facilitating the chats function. In the larger group online workshop those networking opportunities are less available on the digital platform settings than they would be in the face to face setting..
What we have achieved so far:
We are delighted to say there have been over 60 online training workshops delivered since the beginning of lockdown in March 2020, far exceeding our previous capacity. These workshops have been a mix of those advertised to members of the wider public services/individuals and other workshops where we have been asked to provide a specific LLTTF course for a specific organisation.
Challenges we have faced:
The online format also opens the possibility of having IT issues. Any IT issues during training can be disruptive to the flow of the training day for both the trainer and attendees, therefore being as well prepared in advance as possible is advised. Not all attendees are familiar with the digital platforms for example Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Some people are more familiar with one than the other. Regardless of the platform of delivery, whether in person or attending virtually the course is aimed to be clear, interactive and encourage appropriate discussion.
We ensure all the handouts are e-mailed or posted to attendees prior to the online training and links to all available additional resources are shared after completion or depending on license agreements.
Feedback we have received from LLTTF online workshop attendees:
“I think there were good efforts to involve everyone in discussion, which is obviously more difficult than it would be if the session could be held in person.”
“The session was really interactive and friendly regarding the trainer and atmosphere, meaning I felt comfortable to talk, and it was very good considering everything is remotely and virtually. There was an effort to keep people engaged generally speaking which is positive, with regular breaks to get up etc which helped a lot.”
“Online training was much better than I expected, I’m definitely going to give this a go now.”
“Great presentation and tips. Learnt some very useful information that I feel will really benefit my clients. Training was a lot more engaging and interactive that I thought it was going to be over zoom. It worked really well. The fact you gave us a link to all the resources at the end was also great.”
“I found the training and the resources useful and practical, especially for people who are not specifically trained to deal with mental health difficulties.”
“I felt it lent itself well to online conferencing – it was interactive enough to maintain
people’s attention and did not feel overly long.”
Overall, several people said, ‘One of the main benefits to training online is that people can do it from the comfort of their own home, without much disruption to their working week (for travel etc).’
How You Can Use LLTTF courses in your Organisation/Service or on an Individual Basis
Looking after well-being should not be an afterthought- living through the pandemic has taught us there has never been a more crucial time for individuals, families, businesses, colleagues, teachers, in fact anyone to address issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing. Also encouraging us to look out for and help protect the mental health of those around us for the long-term, develop a habitual approach to well-being rather than a reactive one, no matter your age.
LLTTF Courses for Adults
Our range of courses covers issues experienced by many key groups; whether you work with, or are an adult suffering from low mood, stress, and anxiety. Similarly, the course has been adapted for those working with, or who are a new parent experiencing issues with their mental health during their adjustment to parenthood or long-term health conditions.
Courses to Combat Dental Anxiety
Aimed at helping parents and dental staff to assist with children who are suffering from Dental Anxiety.
Overcoming Bulimia Online
Overcoming Bulimia is deigned to be used by individuals and support groups to encourage them to get a handle on their illness and be able to start living life again to the fullest.
Courses for Young People
We have a range of courses for young people- again either to be used on an individual basis or in a group setting by a teacher or supporter. These courses have been designed to suit the learning style, and the issues which certain groups may face.
Living Life to the Full for Young People is for High School age children while the course ‘My Big Life’ is targeted specifically to young people transitioning from Primary to High School and who may be struggling with educational or other challenges.
LLTTF for Children
Is aimed at primary school age children and aims to help them understand their feelings better.

Interested in attending a LLTTF workshop?
Training is currently delivered online delivered via a webinar format. We offer training courses on an ongoing basis and can create bespoke training tailored to you or your organisations needs.
For some courses we have additional offers to purchase the student and teacher printed training packs to go with these programmes and also other accompanying materials such as posters and books. Full details can be found on our website at the following links.
For our upcoming training dates visit https://llttf.com/training/
Alternatively, please contact us to discuss your requirements at office@llttf.com
The Living Life to the Full Team.