LLTTF staff training (Scotland wide) | Living Life to the Full | Self Help Resources
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LLTTF staff training (Scotland wide)

Project: NHS Education Scotland (NES) commissioned the delivery of ‘train the trainers’ training to help health care workers across Scotland working with older adults as a resource for clinical use.

Target group: NES’s aim was to equip staff with the skills to deliver low intensity CBT based interventions, for common mental health problems, aimed at older adults. Staff all worked with over 65’s.

Settings: Twenty four health care workers from a range of professional backgrounds, attended a 2-day course on how to deliver the LLTTF Classes. Attendees completed an evaluation form at the beginning of day one and at the end of day 2.

Outcomes: Results showed that post training attitudes towards the effectiveness of written self-help materials improved. Also self-reported confidence in the knowledge of interventions for older adults with depression increased. The presentation of the training course and the trainer were rated highly by attendees.

What else? The positive feedback and improvement in attendee confidence concludes that training in this skills-based workshop can be delivered effectively within the NHS.

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