Video book & online book bundle, including linked worksheets

Understanding your feelings


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Low Mood and Stress
Dr Chris Williams

Discover a core CBT-based skill taught via an online book or video book presentation of key content from the book. Video includes the option to watch sub-titles in English aiding accessibility.

Based on the popular cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) living life to the full approach and written by a recognised award-winning expert Professor Chris Williams.

Covering the following book:

  • Understanding your feelings.
  • Plus linked worksheets.

In this book you will learn:

  • Why do you feel as you do.
  • How events outside us can affect us inside as well.
  • How low mood or stress affects five key areas of life- thoughts, feelings, our bodies and behaviours.
  • Completing your own five areas® assessment.
  • What needs to change to break the vicious cycle and help improve.

Research: Visit our Research trials page to see research evidence for our wide range of resources.

Other copies of the book are available in printed format.

Read or watch the content to discover practical new life skills based on the CBT approach.
Can be used alone by individuals, or with support from a health, social care, education or third sector/charity worker.

Worksheets help take the learning off the page so it can be applied in the readers life

Linked Online self-directed learning module(s): available on

A resource for those working with adults, older adults, and young people (e.g. teachers, parents, youth or community workers and those working in child and adolescent services).

Content can be delivered:
a. Unsupported (e.g. people access and read/view)
b. With 1:1 support (e.g. to accompany coaching, community/primary care/voluntary sector, schools/colleges/universities, occupational health, alcohol reduction services, IAPT /NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression Step 1 and 2 etc.
c. Using live Class teaching support:
Teach the Living Life to the Full class content using the class version (live face to face or delivered remotely online).
Books/video can be offered to attendees to read/watch afterwards at home.
Telephone and face to face supporter protocols are available.
d. As a resource for Book clubs – attendees read the books then attend weekly facilitated discussion groups.

Supporter Training: View training courses

We also have a growing range of self-directed practitioner training modules available.

Course development: The content has benefitted from feedback and inputs from a wide range of NHS, education, social care and charitable organisations. The video format was added to improve accessibility via video and also use of closed captions to specifically engage users living with deafness or hearing difficulties.

Dr Chris Williams is Emeritus Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Past-President of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). His main area of interest is making Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches accessible to all. He is an Honorary Fellow of BABCP and widely recognised expert in making CBT life skills accessible to all.


Discover a core CBT-based skill taught via an online book or video book presentation of key content from the book. Video includes the option to watch sub-titles in English aiding accessibility.

Based on the popular cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) living life to the full approach and written by a recognised award-winning expert Professor Chris Williams.

Covering the following book:

  • Understanding your feelings.
  • Plus linked worksheets.

In this book you will learn:

  • Why do you feel as you do.
  • How events outside us can affect us inside as well.
  • How low mood or stress affects five key areas of life- thoughts, feelings, our bodies and behaviours.
  • Completing your own five areas® assessment.
  • What needs to change to break the vicious cycle and help improve.

Research: Visit our Research trials page to see research evidence for our wide range of resources.

Other copies of the book are available in printed format.

How to use this Resource

Read or watch the content to discover practical new life skills based on the CBT approach.
Can be used alone by individuals, or with support from a health, social care, education or third sector/charity worker.

Worksheets help take the learning off the page so it can be applied in the readers life

Linked Online self-directed learning module(s): available on

Supporter's Notes

A resource for those working with adults, older adults, and young people (e.g. teachers, parents, youth or community workers and those working in child and adolescent services).

Content can be delivered:
a. Unsupported (e.g. people access and read/view)
b. With 1:1 support (e.g. to accompany coaching, community/primary care/voluntary sector, schools/colleges/universities, occupational health, alcohol reduction services, IAPT /NHS Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression Step 1 and 2 etc.
c. Using live Class teaching support:
Teach the Living Life to the Full class content using the class version (live face to face or delivered remotely online).
Books/video can be offered to attendees to read/watch afterwards at home.
Telephone and face to face supporter protocols are available.
d. As a resource for Book clubs – attendees read the books then attend weekly facilitated discussion groups.

Supporter Training: View training courses

We also have a growing range of self-directed practitioner training modules available.

Course development: The content has benefitted from feedback and inputs from a wide range of NHS, education, social care and charitable organisations. The video format was added to improve accessibility via video and also use of closed captions to specifically engage users living with deafness or hearing difficulties.

About the Author

Dr Chris Williams is Emeritus Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Past-President of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). His main area of interest is making Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches accessible to all. He is an Honorary Fellow of BABCP and widely recognised expert in making CBT life skills accessible to all.